Official Blog of Playboy Model Mandy Lynn

Monday, January 23, 2006

So my 2006 is not really off to the best start , Just seems things are not going my way. One of the terrible things i am talking about is my cat dying, i am devastated! ....He died January 12. I have no idea why still which upsets me even more, he was only 8 months old. I would have needed $2,000 to do a endoscopy (cat autopsy) so i couldn't afford it. I can only assume he ate something that was no good for him since he had no sign of injury when he was found. I hate so much that he is gone, he was the coolest kitty i ever had and his life was just beginning It's just not fair.
He was always around, he wasn't one of those cats that eats and sleeps and wants nothing to do with u. His footprints are still on the tables too. I will miss him always. My dog Jayda is very sad too, they were close, always playing together. Now she is very bored. My other cat biggles is uh....happy well cats will be cats and she didnt get along with him, he was always trying to screw her lol

A few days before he died he had brought me a dead bird and mouse, i was mad that he did that but i know it is just a gift from him.

I will never forget you Meek

Friday, January 06, 2006

Hey you guys! Happy 2006! It's a new year so let's make it a good one! I promise this year will be an awesome year packed full good stuff for all of you to see on my site, pix, movies, behind the scenes stuff and lots more! I am excited about finally getting some time to work on my members area! I know you are saying--she has said this for so long now--but i mean it! haha Ok that's all from me for now--back 2 workin on the site!